About Us

IMG_0954Feet On The Street Ministries is a youth equipping ministry located in the heart of Reading, Pennsylvania.  Our name came from our original purpose and desire to walk the streets and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to those we encountered.  Our ministry existed and still exists to love God, love people, and destroy the works of the enemy!

FOTS MAPWhen we started out in 1998 we did this out on the streets. Today, our we meet at 405 North Front Street, near the corner of Front and Buttonwood streets.  Ultimately, our hope and our prayer as well as the goal which motivates us to do what we do, is that we would see the city of Reading PA radically transformed by the truth and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, beginning with the youth!

Our church family meets at the following times!

Monday night evangelism:   Meet at the church at 7pm to hit the streets and share the good news!

Wednesday night Prayer:  Meet at the church at 7pm

Friday night UPZONE:  This is our youth outreach. We meet with youth for games and snacks and fellowship from 6-8pm.  Then from 8-9 we have a time of worship, followed by a Bible teaching.

Sunday Morning Service: all ages are welcome.  We gather at 10am for coffee and fellowship, followed by time of worship and Bible teaching.






3 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Grace and Peace, this sounds like a great ministry. I have four grandchildren in this age group my situation is three of them live across town without transportation. I wanted to know if I can get them there is there is transportation home? Yours in Christ Jesus Be Laura Holmes


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